Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Pokemon Shining Pearl start with a travel to a nearby lake alongside your childhood friend. Pokemon encounter waits for you there. Once Professor Rowan, a Pokemon Researcher, recruits you to complete the Pokedex, your adventure begins. You will be in the Sinnoh region, with expansive mountain ranges, grassy fields, bountiful lakes, mountain paths, and snow-laden trails. Sinnoh is a land both rich and rugged.
Various Pokemons inhabit the Sinnoh region, depending on the location. The Pokemon that appear will differ. In turn-based battles, you will select moves for your Pokemon to use against the opponents. You win once your opponent’s HP drops to zero. Once your opponent is weak, you can throw a poke ball for a chance to catch it.
There are some special pokemon with special powers in the region. They can allow you to ride them like Wydeer, Basculegion, and Hisuian Braviary. With the aid of your Pokemon, your research will take you to the more significant areas of the region. Eventually, you will learn about the noble Pokemon that the people of history respected. These Pokemon will stand up against you because of their mysterious powers. There are various methods to calm them.
What Does the Azure Flute Do?
After you complete legends Arceus meaning obtaining Arceus, you will head back to 2020 Leaf town. Now you will make your way and see a little Poke ball in your room. It will give you Azure Flute. This Flute can be used in Arceus’s finding in the game. It will play a tune to unlock the staircase leading to the Arceus. This Flute is just a tool that will guide you toward the battlefield of occupying Arceus.

When you get the Flute, you will head towards the Heart home city and the mock coronet. When you are here, you will make your way toward the spear pillar by walking on a wooden bridge. You will use your Azure Flute to get there.
Where to Use Azure Flute BDSP?
When you finally reach the spear pillar, you must use the Azure Flute. There will include a small sequence of the Flute being played, and after that, the staircase allows you access to battle and catch Arceus. They are not shiny locked in this game.
Now you will see a magical stairway. Go up, and shockingly, Arceus has a pretty tough catchphrase, so this Pokemon is challenging to catch compared to diagonal Palkia or even Guarantino. Make sure you have a lot of ultra-balls and be prepared. This is quite a long unless you are getting lucky.

It is imperative to complete Legend Arceus first, where you can obtain the Azure Flute. If you do not complete legend Arceus, there is no other way to get this Pokemon without hacking the game.
What If Your Azure Flute Not Appearing BDSP?
To achieve Azure Flute, you will have to do these things.
- You need to beat the Hall of Fame and catch the Palkia.
- Now you must talk to the Professor from the National Dex.
You will see the Azure Flute as a Poke ball in your bedroom when you complete these steps.
Can You Catch Arceus in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond?
To catch Arceus, you will have to meet several conditions. First, you will see the Arceus when you have an Azure Flute, and you will have to complete all the main missions. Arceus is considered the Pokemon God, so you must try to catch it when you reach it. It has high HP, and you must utilize many Pokemon with different moves to catch the Arceus.
How to Get Azure Flute Platinum?
To achieve the Azure Flute in Pokemon Platinum, you must get all 150 pokemon in the Sinnoh region for Pokedex. You should also beat the Elite Four to get the Azure Flute. This Flute encounters Arceus in Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum.