If you have kept up with the recent gaining landscape, we have seen Far Cry 6 again and again at every event. It’s relieving to get my hands on the game instead of passively observing.
After playing the game for many hours, let me tell you this is a Far Cry game with a massive open world; the mission spreads across a vast map, explosions, firefights, camps to clear out, weapons to unlock, etc. Let’s discover how long is Far Cry 6 and get more details.
The Chronicles of Far Cry 6
Speaking of expectation, graphically, the Far Cry games have always tried to shoot for the tropical feel of that pearlescent water as you look out from the cliff and see a 1957 Chevy Road with the giant construction lead on his front and machine guns strapped onto it like it’s from the mask of 1980s cartoon.

Is Far Cry 6 a long game? Yes, indeed. Far Cry 6 is a super fun game! It’s got an enormous world, an exciting story, and lots of things to do. There’s the main story, excellent DLC like Stranger Things, and more stuff coming. It’s a game that keeps you entertained and gives you lots to discover!
Far Cry 6 Stranger Things
When you complete all the missions at the tutorial island, you will eventually have access to Libertad Headquarters Island. When you go to the main camps and secure your place there, you will get a call from Juan about the mission, and then you can proceed.
You need to go to your map and your journal, and you will see a mission called vanishing. Now you have access to the mission. How long is Far Cry 6 Stranger Things? This mission will take around an hour to complete.
A Glimpse into the Future with Far Cry 6 DLC
The great adventure continues after the main game or the Stranger Things DLC. Far Cry 6’s extra content adds more to the story with new characters and challenges. Even though we have yet to determine precisely how long each DLC is, Ubisoft promises to keep bringing fresh stuff after the game launches. It means the game will keep growing and changing, giving players more to enjoy!

How long is Far Cry 6 DLC? For the completion of the main story, it will take about 3 to 4 hours for a hardcore gamer. You will get 100% completion of the game with your expertise. However, to the average gamers, it might take around 8 hours of gameplay for the whole experience.
The Longevity of Far Cry New Dawn
How long is Far Cry New Dawn? If I take you on my gaming journey, the main story captivated me for an average of 11 hours; remember that I experience average gameplay here. Surprisingly, some experts completed it in around 8 hours – who are a gaming sprint!
For finishers like me, investing nearly 30 hours unveiled every secret and quest, shaping a comprehensive gaming saga. This breakdown explored diverse play styles, enriching my understanding of the gaming Zeitgeist.
The Endless Appeal
In essence, Far Cry 6 offers an extensive gaming journey with a diverse arsenal of weapons tailored to specific situations. The game presents a classic yet enduring tale of revolution following a small guerrilla group’s efforts to overthrow the island government. The narrative unfolds with unexpected twists and turns, keeping players captivated for hours.
Is Far Cry 6 the Longest Far Cry?
No, Far Cry 6 is a shooter game in the Far Cry series. Far Cry 4 and Far Cry 5 take more time, on average, to complete.
Is Far Cry 6 Fun or Not?
Absolutely! Far Cry 6 isn’t just a long game; it’s incredibly fun. You will enjoy engaging storytelling, diverse missions, and the freedom to approach challenges uniquely. Far Cry 6 offers many enjoyable activities, making it a must-play for fans of the series.
Is Far Cry 6 DLC canon?
Certainly! Far Cry 6 DLC ventures into a narrative dimension alongside the main storyline, unveiling fresh characters, challenges, and narratives. While it doesn’t directly impact the core story, it enriches the game’s world with added depth.